Birdsbesafe Shown Effective in Science Study
Birdsbesafe products were tested in a two-part field study at the St. Lawrence University biology dept. in fall 2013 and spring 2014, and now the leading scientist, Dr. Willson, has given an interview to North Country Public Radio in Canton NY (aired 10-1-2014). You can read the whole radio piece here.
Dr. Willson reports that of the spring 12-week trial period involving 19 pet cats that wore the Birdsbesafe cat collar cover half the time, "We had almost no bird deaths at all when the cats were collared [with Birdsbesafe covers on], versus 19 times more likely to kill a bird without a [wearing a Birdsbesafe] collar."
What does this mean to you if you have one cat and you use Birdsbesafe's collar covers to protect birds? It means a very significant reduction in the number of birds killed by your cat over long periods of time.
Regarding her field study of Birdsbesafe covers, Dr. Willson said, "I think certainly this is enough to say these work!"
The Conservation Biology department released a study summary and you can read it in its entirety here: St. Lawrence study summary on Birdsbesafe field work.
Although you'll have to wait for the science study to be published in full to see its data, you don't have to wait to trust that Birdsbesafe can make a very big difference to the number of songbirds your outdoor cat may catch. Our customer surveys over time have showed that customers see bird deaths plummet when the cats wear Birdsbesafe.
What it comes down to for the cat owner, we believe can be put like this: If you don't keep your cat indoors all the time, (which is best for wildlife), and you do let your cat outdoors, Birdsbesafe offers a safe, effective way to reduce the number of birds killed by your cats--and it's very effective!
And, if you are looking for more Birdsbesafe stories in the news, my hometown paper covered the recent study and business developments today, too: Study Backs Local Woman's Invention. It's a good story!