Holiday Season: 2020
As we enter the holiday season, in 2020, it is remarkable how very unique 2020 has been around the globe. What remained the same, for us at Birdsbesafe company, was our devotion to helping cat owners save birds!
We are grateful for the continued help from our production partners in the U.S., our suppliers, and other people that we depend on to keep things running smoothly. We are grateful to the cat owners that share our product with their friends on social media or in other ways.
And more than a few times, in the pandemic, we have been grateful to our customers overseas for their patience in receiving their orders--especially when some packages traveled by ship, unexpectedly last spring.
We know everyone has felt the stress of the pandemic in various ways, and we are proud that we were able to keep in stock and keep you supplied in the tricky times of 2020. We have helped you protect more birds than ever before, this year.
As we navigate towards even greater bird conservation goals in 2021, we wish you, your cats, and your local songbirds all great health and good tidings. Thank you for caring about cats and birds!
Shipping Updates, December 12, 2020. We have resumed shipping to Australia and New Zealand. Your packages may travel more slowly than usual. We are also shipping to the UK and Europe. Some pandemic related slow travel times may occur. Looking forward to 2021!