How To: Fit a Collar into a Birdsbesafe Cover
We're providing step-by-step photos, for a commonly asked "how to" question.
How do I put a cat collar in a Birdsbesafe cover?
1. Hold both parts like the photo shows, vertically.

2. Drop the collar end into the Birdsbesafe cover.

3. Keep going, feeding the collar into the Birdsbesafe cover.

4. Hold onto the one end of the collar and start scrunching the Birdsbesafe cover, and pushing the other end of the collar further along.

5. Expose the lower buckle end of the collar, while holding onto both buckles.

6. Bring the buckle parts together.

7. Voila. Next, fit it onto your cat, by unbuckling and buckling it on kitty's neck.
By the way, try buckling together on the back of the cat's neck, not on their throat.