Feb 21, 2023
New Colors for 2023
We're excitedly expecting new inventory by early March. Soon! Here is a sneak peek at the new bird-protecting colors and patterns that will be arriving very soon--and some of our favorites continue forward, too.
Feb 21, 2023
We're excitedly expecting new inventory by early March. Soon! Here is a sneak peek at the new bird-protecting colors and patterns that will be arriving very soon--and some of our favorites continue forward, too.
Jan 1, 2022
We are greeting the new year with gratitude for all our customers, who care about cats and birds. Together, over the last decade (plus), we have made a difference, saving untold numbers of birds.
Sep 19, 2021
This week the New York Times Magazine "The Ethicist" column was titled "What Should I Do about my Bird-Killing Cat?" Columnist Kwame Anthony Appiah tackled the topic, offering Birdsbesafe cat collars as one of the ways to reduce cat predation on birds if you let your cat outdoors.