Ten Years for Our Birdsbesafe® Cat Collar Cover
We need a birthday cake! Birdsbesafe® company is ten years old! What a long way we have since beginning our efforts in March of 2009.
We invented this product to stop our own cat's bird captures, and when our idea worked to foil this highly skilled cat, we thought it was a real problem-solver that other cat owners could use to protect birds in their yards. And... this has proved to be so!
Here is a customer testimonial from a couple of weeks ago:
"Your collars have done so much to assuage our guilt of being bird lovers but also having two outdoor cats. Since finding your collars two years ago, the incidence of "gifts" being brought to our door has decreased by 95%! I may be giving our cats too much credit, but it almost seems like they have learned the futility of hunting birds (not my garden rodents). They are now more prone to sit on the back stoop idly watching the activity on and below the feeders. Thank you!"
Receiving testimonials is as gratifying in year ten as it was in year one!
I had in mind to write up some reflections at this anniversary mark, but I have to say: I'm too busy getting your products ready for your cats for this spring! At the very beginning, in 2009, I hoped that if the product worked well for other cats (and it did) that I could popularize its use around the world. It was a big mission for a one-product company, but we have done as much, or more, than we set out to do, and we're not done yet. Every day, business grows and that means more birds are protected from pet cats.
Visit our list of stores that re-sell our products, or shop our products on Amazon or this website. We now welcome two BirdLife International members in Europe! And remember, when you protect birds in your yard, you become part of bird conservation globally. Do your part. If you can't keep your cat indoors, do protect birds in your yard!
Now, we have to get back to work, so you can enjoy the benefit of this Made-in-the-U.S. innovation!